A Unique Touch: We use personnel from similar, close or different cultural or faith background to our service users and in a safe cultural, faith, social and professional environment.

  • Highly competent professionals and support staff.
  • Good experience in the UK National Health Service (NHS) and voluntary healthcare system.
  • Socially friendly and honest people.
  • Excellent work ethics and registration with professional bodies.
High Successful Recovery. Example, in 2014, one CBT therapist in Health City treated 192 issues with successful recovery rate of 95 to 100% for 142 issues, 80 to 94% for 49 issues and -50% for 1 issue on psychometric measures.

Competitive Fees: As we are a social enterprise with competitive fees and part of our income goes to community projects or to cover cost of pro bono wellbeing services/products to families who cannot afford our fees.

We Serve UK Families, But Also….:Apart from offering excellent wellbeing solutions to families in the UK and overseas, we also offer the same solutions to the African, Caribbean, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Asian, Bulgarian, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Arabic speaking and the immigrant communities in the UK.

Due Diligence and Fairness:Before we offer a service or product to our clients, we ask ourselves if we ourselves and our families will be happy to use the same service or product. We cannot offer to other families what is not good for us.